I haven\’t thought of Our Lady of Sorrows in a long time. But in these soul-wrenching days, when the distress both in me and around me has drained words of their meaning, I find myself turning to the Mater dolorosa, that image of the Divine Feminine onto which humanity has, for more than a thousand years, projected its longing for consolation. Whatever your own source of solace, may you find strength, hope, and ease in this bleak summer of 2020.

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9 Responses
Pray for us now and in the hour of our death, Amen.
I only drew one sword piercing her heart–didn't have room for the other six.
One is more than enough. This preoccupation with mystical numbers has always bothered me. 7, 12, 44… not me at all. But then, I'm not in charge.I'm glad Mary is there.
I always assumed that there were seven swords because of seven sorrowful events in Mary's life. But you're right–\”they\” probably picked seven events to fit the number.
And also to you…
Sending love, Lali. It seems ironic that we are having a more cheerful winter, and your summer is so bleak, when the seasons usually bring the opposite emotions.
You should know that I am suffering from a severe case of prime minister envy. But it's cheering to know that somebody somewhere has done a good job of dealing with the pandemic.
Reading this after meteorological summer is over and the sorrows continue.
It's so hard to adjust to not knowing when/if there will be an end to this.