First thing every morning, I take Bisou outside.
Then I feed her and Telemann, and clean the litter box.
Next I make a cup of coffee, a cup of tea, and some toast. Then I ring the breakfast bell.
Some days the sameness of it all makes me want to pull out my hair…
but other days I am filled with gratitude.
9 Responses
And your reward is the companionship of happy and well fed animal family members.May you all be long happy together.
Oh, this is perfect!!! You are so talented.
Thanks, Alicia. May you live with ease.
Thanks for reading–or rather, looking, Mali!
There’s something to be said for “the silence of eternity, interpreted by love,” of which John Greenleaf Whittier wrote. I most love your depiction of yourself, Lali. Let’s pick 3-4 duets we practice individually, then play on your porch or in the gazebo.
This is the impetus I need to pick up my recorder again. You're on! Re: self portrait, if I try to make myself look my age (and I do try), I make an ugly drawing, so I end up drawing myself as a six-year-old.
I love this! And that you are also playing recorder!
And is there recorder music at your house as well, I hope?